Diagnosed with Dementia and Alzheimer's, this blog is to help keep my mind active. I'll share my thoughts, current projects and interests. Negativity is not wanted, so all comments will be monitored.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Keeping Busy - Alzheimer's - Dementia

 Yes, I forgot that I started a blog. It's a busy time of the year. Well, it seems that every day is part of a busy time anymore. Never time to just do nothing. Remember the delicious days of childhood when you could say "I'm bored"? Adulthood, though long sought after, doesn't seem to know these words. There always seems to be appointments, chores, guests, and more to keep us busy from morning until night. And, that damned Internet just steals so much time too. I can get lost for hours researching something else that I read about that demands my attention. I have projects (knitting, crochet, weaving, etc.) all in mid creation while I get distracted by yet another think I need to learn or do. Is it the Alzheimer's or is it just a panic that has come over me to learn everything now that I know my time is limited? 

Who knows? 

4 babies last month! Aren't they cute? Part of what keeps me busy 😍

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Post is NOT for everyone sensitive to death relatred to Alzheimer's

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