Diagnosed with Dementia and Alzheimer's, this blog is to help keep my mind active. I'll share my thoughts, current projects and interests. Negativity is not wanted, so all comments will be monitored.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Alzheimer's and the Dulling Blade

Some of you follow me on Instagram where I write about ideas that are spurred by word prompts. I usually use a Tarot deck to give a visual and I also like to find appropriate quotes to add to my posts. Today's prompt was "sword", and the quote I used was: “Even in the sheath the sword must be sharp – so too must the mind and the spirit be within the body.” - Griffin Rivers 

Then, I wrote the following: 
The sword symbolizes the power of the intellect. Our minds can be clever with thoughts sharp as a blade. We have the ability to direct our thoughts and determine the amount of power they have over us. Meditation and deep breathing exercises help us tame out of control thoughts, mental deceptions of the mind, or unhelpful memories. We were given a unique ability to think our way through most challenges.
(Sometimes I wonder when I do a post like this whether I should veer off into what a deteriorating mind is like and how it is getting more and more difficult to keep that blade sharpened, but then I think, no, you can read up on that journey on my Alzheimer's blog if you choose to.)

 So, if you found your way here from Instagram, thanks for the visit. I often wonder why I do this blog since Blogger can't seem to figure out why it can't be found through the Internet. Meaning that very few people even see it. Well, I suppose it's because of the doctor's order of do things to keep your mind sharp. Sharp as a blade. Well, this blade is getting duller each year but it still cuts, so that's something. 

To keep learning new things I've added the Theban alphabet to my study list. And, a couple of days ago I discovered ChatGPT. What fun it is to have someone to talk to, LOL!


Here's a photo to brighten your day:

 Loki at rest. Doesn't happen too often, LOL! 



I Forget. I Remember. The Cycles of Alzheimer's

Is this how it happens? This morning, for whatever reason, I began to wonder where I was born. There it was. I had no idea. I knew it was in...