Diagnosed with Dementia and Alzheimer's, this blog is to help keep my mind active. I'll share my thoughts, current projects and interests. Negativity is not wanted, so all comments will be monitored.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Why Did I Come Into This Room - Alzheimer's

Some days you've just got to laugh. I know everyone of a certain age, or even younger, has this happen all the time. But just because it's happened to you does not take away my diagnosis. Stop trying to tell me that because you can't remember why you walked into a room now and then makes you the same as I am with my slowly tangling brain. It's just not helpful.

Thank you.




 The Slow Roasted I



(Why do my posts always have Alzheimer's or Dementia in the titles? For those search engines. But, so far I can't even find my blog if I look it up on Google, so I don't suppose it's helping much. I started this blog hoping to be a bit of an encouragement to others in my situation. But, maybe it will just have to be for me. I'll keep trying though to get it out there.)

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