Diagnosed with Dementia and Alzheimer's, this blog is to help keep my mind active. I'll share my thoughts, current projects and interests. Negativity is not wanted, so all comments will be monitored.

Showing posts with label Alzheimer's Society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alzheimer's Society. Show all posts

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Alzheimer's Society Disappoints AGAIN

I follow Gail over at Too Young for Dementia and was do disappointed, again, with the Alzheimer's response to the uproar, from those of us living with dementia and Alzheimer's, over their latest campaign that shows us as victims that hurt our families over and over. What on earth is wrong with them. I, for one, am so proud of those of us who refuse to give in and work daily to find ways to work around our difficulties.

Here is the link to the information about the petition:

Let me know what you think. 
(Although, I know very few people read this blog as it can't be found on the Internet unless you are clicking from somewhere I've posted the link. I contacted blogger and they have been working on finding the issue for months. Hopefully, they will be able to correct it so that more can find a positive and upbeat version of living with Alzheimer's.)
On a lighter note. Our rescued kitten that we found with still closed eyes is now almost 6 weeks old. We named him Loki, after the god of mischief, and he is indeed living up to his name. 


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Shame on the Alzheimer's Society

Oh my. Have you seen the new promotional video from The Alzheimer's Society called "The Long Goodby"? It is such a disservice to all who have the disease as it just tells us of how we will repeatedly die and make our families miserable. I posted the following response to their video:" I have dementia and Alzheimer’s, and I must say this video was horrible. What a disservice to those of us, who are working hard to educate the public about the fact that a diagnosis of either does not mean impending death it means learning to adjust. Shame on you."

On Facebook a reader responded this was: "Jean Chaney It's absolutely horrendous for everyone who has Alzheimer's to see this, makes me so angry. My mum has Alzheimer's and I'm dreading her seeing this one, such a negative, scary proposition. She was so anxious with the last one." 

As if this isn't hard enough to deal with we have to have the Alzheimer's society pushing such drivel. No wonder so many with dementia turn to suicide. Geez!!!!

 On a lighter side: I spent a week with my friends and family in Arizona and after I returned we had guests from Canada and, later today I have a friend from Arizona coming to stay. Life is good. I refuse to die on your schedule, Alzheimer's Society! 

And, spring is here and the farmer's market is bursting with goodness.


Alzheimer's Blog for Jean Chaney is Moving Site Location

 I found that someone was actually reading this blog and left a message as they were worried about me. I found that quite touching. Recently...