Diagnosed with Dementia and Alzheimer's, this blog is to help keep my mind active. I'll share my thoughts, current projects and interests. Negativity is not wanted, so all comments will be monitored.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Bad Days With Alzheimer's

My friend Gail had this to say: "I know positives are hard to find on a bad day. I have to keep in mind, bad days don’t last forever." on her blog post today.  

This got me thinking. Yes, we all have bad days. And, for most, bad days aren't forever. However, for those of us with dementia or Alzheimer's how do when know when that bad day is the beginning of never having a good day again? I too have days, like Gail, when everything is wrong. I can't remember how to do simple thing, I stumble, hit my head, make mistakes, get confused. But, there are days when I totally, well not quite, forget that my brain is dying and there is no way to stop it. No pills, no cure, just eventually death. We can try to hide from that fact, but there is no hiding. One day, I don't know when, that bad day will never end. 

Death. I'm not afraid of death. What I am afraid of is living like the brain dead person I will be. A friend, who now helps a woman that has Alzheimer's, tells me stories. Stories about this woman unable to go to the bathroom by herself. A woman who doesn't understand what a toothbrush is.The thing is that I can see that this will not be troublesome to me as I will be unaware. But, what about the other people who have to care for someone like that?

Not throwing in the towel. Not thinking that death would be better. Just pondering the words, "Bad days don't last forever." 

On a lighter note. We are recovering from the murders of our two sheep and focusing on the antics of our newest kitty who has taken over the household. Nothing like a new troublemaker to keep a smile on one's face.

                                              Loki tormenting Charlie.              And, Loki tormenting Cassidy!



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