Diagnosed with Dementia and Alzheimer's, this blog is to help keep my mind active. I'll share my thoughts, current projects and interests. Negativity is not wanted, so all comments will be monitored.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Alzheimer's - Don't Fall for Everything You Read

I had to laugh when I tried to look up my blog in Google. Google says it doesn't exist. Guess I'd better bookmark it so I can find it even if nobody else can. That's okay though. I'm hoping my family and friends don't stumble across this anyway as I'm sure they would not be pleased. But, I was hoping that others with Alzheimer's/dementia would be able to find it and that it would encourage them to plow forward instead of focusing on the negatives that they read on the Internet or what their ill informed doctors tell them. 

This rant reminded me of all the places I went to when I was first diagnosed to find something, someone, anything to make help make sense of this. Actually, the Alzheimer's official groups are quite dismal for us. Good for those poor caregivers that are stuck with us though. So, I joined a couple of Facebook groups. I left one almost immediately as all the posts were from caregivers complaining about how horrible their lives were because they had to deal with terrible behaviors on the part of their charges or loved ones. Their lives were ruined and they were so miserable. They each came with stories of some incident to frighten me even more of my future. So, I found a group that was just for those with Als or Dementia. Perfect, I thought, until one member was so upset at her diagnoses that all she could post about was was to end her life. Really? Well, not one to mind my own business, I proceeded to advise her to focus on the things that she could do instead of the things she couldn't. I guess I really hit a nerve though and got blasted for thinking that someone should actually find something positive in life. I left that group as well. Now, the only one I follow is Gail at the Too Young For Dementia blog (https://dementiaalzheimers.home.blog/) because of her positive and upbeat approach. Between the two of us (and there may be more, I hope) we will change the face of dementia. 

On a lighter note; One of the things I went back to recently is weaving. I realized that it requires a lot of math and so, after a 10 year pause, I pulled out my looms. Amazing that I had forgotten absolutely everything about how to weave😏 But, after many tears, many unprintable words, loads of frustration and walking away, I am back on the path (thanks to all the YouTube videos and helpful Online groups). This is the start of some dishcloths. Loving this addition to my daily list of "must do's".

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