Diagnosed with Dementia and Alzheimer's, this blog is to help keep my mind active. I'll share my thoughts, current projects and interests. Negativity is not wanted, so all comments will be monitored.

Friday, January 12, 2024

The Slow Decline of Alzheimer's

 I did it again. I thought I'd paid one bill but sent the money to another company that I didn't even owe money to. Then, last night when I got up to use the bathroom I found myself in the other bedroom wondering why I was there. I can't balance my checkbook anymore and have added a payee of "error" to fix it several times a month. I can only hope that the bank know what it's doing.

I only post these things to kind of keep track of the progression of the Alzheimer's. Not looking for sympathy or another suggestion on how to keep things straight. All the lists and double checks on what I am doing don't amount to a hill of beans (wonder what that means anyway) in the end. I can only try my hardest and then just accept that as my best. 

I have also been trying to learn, as my doctor instructed me to learn new and difficult things, astrology. My oh my, I think I could learn a foreign language easier. Sooo complicated. I can't understand half of what I'm reading. But, I won't give up. Persistent I am to say the least. 

On a lighter note. Here's a pretty picture of the last full moon.

I've always love the unique look of dead trees. Like many fingers using sign language to communicate. I've always loved the moon the symbolizes our intuition and inner dreamlike thoughts. Perfect combo. 

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